Thoughts On The Class, Class Structure, ...

The Class

The class should be a tinker/experiment class. A large amount of interaction between students (as long as they stay focused) should be encouraged.

How many hours and days?

Probably should not be a college transfer class?

How to Grade The Class?

Good question.

Areas for Class Discussions/Lectures

Student Computers

If a face-to-face class, power and power outlets may be a problem.

If a video class, some students may not have an appropriate computer.

Where to get older computers, USB keyboards, USB mouse, ...

The computer is for tinkering and experiments. No information you want to keep should be on it. Backup "stuff" to external storage; For example, Google drive. You should be able to erase the disk and start over.


Linux installation disk, USB drive, or...? VM, Docker container,...?

It is easier for the instructor and the students if they use the same Linux distro. This will make thing run more smoothly. (Raspberry Pi OS? Linux Mint? ...)


DNS Messages
DNS Message Header and Question Section Format
O'REILLY: DNS and BIND - DNS Message Format

How to Edit Your Hosts File in Windows 10
How to Edit Your Hosts File on Linux, Windows, and macOS

PiVPN : How to Run a VPN Server on a $35 Raspberry Pi! (YouTube)