MongoDB - mongo shell

Project Description

Build a MongoDB database of people and phone numbers using the mongo shell and some Bash scripts. The tasks are described HERE .

Test data

First NameLast NameNicknamePhone Number

Create a database, a collection, and several documents using a Bash script

mongo --quiet <<EOF
   show dbs
   db = db.getSiblingDB('phonedb');
   db.phones.insert({ 'firstname'  : 'Tommy',
                      'lastname'   : 'Rot',
                      'phonenumber': '666-555-8888' });
   db.phones.insert({ 'firstname'  : 'Judy',
                      'lastname'   : 'Zed',
                      'phonenumber': '626-555-9999',
                      'nickname'   : 'Z'});
   db.phones.insert({ 'firstname'  : 'Piccolo',
                      'lastname'   : 'Pete',
                      'phonenumber': '626-555-1234'});
   db.phones.insert({ 'firstname'  : 'Arleen',
                      'lastname'   : 'Pete',
                      'nickname'   : 'Buttercup'});

Run the mongo shell

$ mongo

Clear screen

> cls

Show databases

> show dbs

Show current database

> db

Show collections in database

> use phonedb
> show collections

Create database

> use phonedb

Delete database

> use phonedb
> db.dropDatabase()

Create collection

> use phonedb
> db.createCollection{"phones")

Delete collection

> use phonedb
> db.phones.drop()

Insert documents

Insert a document
> db.phones.insert({ first_name:"John",last_name:"Doe" }

Insert multiple documents
> db.phones.insert( [{ first_name:"Steven",last_name:"Smith" },
                        {....},{....} ])

Search for documents

find all documents
> db.phones.find()

find all documents and pretty print
> db.phones.find().pretty()

find all Marys
> db.phones({firstname: "Mary"})

find with or
> db.phones({$or: [{first_name:"Mary"},{age:45}] )

find less than, greater than
> db.phones.find({age:{$gt:40}})        <-- age > 40
> db.phones.find({age:{$lt:21}})        <-- age < 21

$lte    less that or equal
$gte    greater than or equal

find memberships
> dn.phones.find({memberships:"mem1" })

find documents without an age field
> db.phones.find({ age: { $exists: true, $ne: null }}).pretty()

Add/modify document(s)

Find and just replace a field
> db.phones.update({first_name:"John"       <-- find Johns Doe
                    {$set:{age:45}}           <-- just replace/set age

modify but if not found insert it
> db.phones.update({first_name:"Mary"},
                  {upsert: true});

 find a  Johns and replace/set their gender
> db.phones.update({first_name:"John"},
                   {first_name:"John", last_name:"Doe", gender:"male"})

find a  Johns  Does and only replace/set the first one found                     
> db.phones.update({first_name:"John",last_name:"Doe"},

Remove a document field

> db.phones.update({first_name:"John",

Delete documents

> use phonedb

delete everybody in the collection
> db.phones.remove({})               

delete all (first_name = Mary)
> db.phones.remove({first_name:"Mary"})

delete the first mary found
> db.phones.remove({first_name:"Mary"},{justone:true})