GREP is a Linux/Unix utility program. It searches one or more files for lines containing a match to a specified pattern (regular expression). It prints lines that contain a match.
Google "grep" for more information.
What does GREP stand for?
Create your own Python3 version of GREP. Below is my version written in Perl. You can use it as a template.
Create a reverse version of GREP that prints the names of files it did not find a match in.
Why the reverse version of GREP? Assume you are modifying several files. You could use the "reveres" version of GREP to tell you which files have yet to be modified.
Modify project #1 to use a list of search patterns. (Enter a CSV string on the command line? or read them from a file? or some other way?)
#!/bin/perl -w #======================================================================= # MY GREP is a very simplified version of the Linux/Unix utility # program. However, MY GREP has enough functionality for my needs. #======================================================================= use strict; use DirHandle; use fileHandle; #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # global variables # # CASESENSITIVE flag - case sensitive searches # DEBUG flag - display debug messages # DIRCOUNT count - directories processed # FAILURE return value - failure # FILECOUNT count - files processed # MATCHCOUNT count - number of matched found in processed files # SUBDIR flag - process subdirectories # ROOTDIR root directory # STARTTIME script start time # SUCCESS return value - success # TOTALLINES count - lines in all of the files processed # VERBOSE flag - display verbose messages #----------------------------------------------------------------------- my $CASESENSITIVE = 0; my $DEBUG = 0; my $DIRCOUNT = 0; my $FAILURE = 0; my $FILECOUNT = 0; my $FILEPATTERN = '\.html$'; # regular expression (escape any "/") my $STRINGPATTERN = 'error'; # regular expression (escape any "/") my $MATCHCOUNT = 0; my $SUBDIR = 0; my $ROOTDIR = './'; # must end in "/" my $STARTTIME = time; my $TOTALLINES = 0; my $SUCCESS = 1; my $VERBOSE = 0; # process command line arguments if (ProcessCommandLineArguments() != $SUCCESS) { exit 1; } # display runtime environment print "==================================================\n"; print 'Start time = ' . localtime($STARTTIME) . "\n"; print "File pattern = $FILEPATTERN\n"; print "Root dir = $ROOTDIR\n"; print "Debug = $DEBUG\n"; print "String pattern = $STRINGPATTERN\n"; print "Subdir = $SUBDIR\n"; print "Verbose = $VERBOSE\n"; print "Case sensitive = $CASESENSITIVE\n"; print "==================================================\n"; if (ProcessDirectoryTree($ROOTDIR,$FILEPATTERN, $STRINGPATTERN) != $SUCCESS) { exit 1; } # display processing statistics print "\n"; print "==================================================\n"; print "Dirs processed = $DIRCOUNT\n"; print "Files processed = $FILECOUNT\n"; print "Matchs found = $MATCHCOUNT\n"; print "Lines processed = $TOTALLINES\n"; print "==================================================\n"; exit 0; #======================================================================= # subroutines #======================================================================= #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # process a directory tree #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ProcessDirectoryTree { my $dir = $_[0]; # directory (path and name) my $fpat = $_[1]; # file name match pattern my $spat = $_[2]; # string match pattern $DIRCOUNT++; # increment directory count if ($DEBUG) { print "\nProcessing Directory $dir\n"; } # get a list of all of the file names in the directory my $dh = new DirHandle; # directory handle if (! opendir($dh,$dir)) { print "\n"; print "Error opening directory $dir\n"; print "$!\n"; print "\n"; return $FAILURE; } my @fl = readdir $dh; # array of file names closedir $dh; # process each file name my $f; # file name my $fs; # file specification (path + name) foreach $f (@fl) { # ignore special cases if ($f eq ".") { next; }; if ($f eq "..") { next; }; # create a file specification (path + name) $fs = $dir . $f; # do not process subdirectories at this time if (-d $fs) { next; } # if it not a directory, does the file name match pattern # if yes, process the file if ($f =~ /$fpat/) { if (ProcessFile($f,$fs,$spat) != $SUCCESS) { return $FAILURE; } } } if ($SUBDIR) # process subdirectories { foreach $f (@fl) { # ignore special cases if ($f eq ".") { next; }; if ($f eq "..") { next; }; # create a file specification (path + name) $fs = $dir . $f; # process subdirectories if (-d $fs) { if (ProcessDirectoryTree($fs,$fpat,$spat) != $SUCCESS) { return $FAILURE; } } } } return $SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # process a file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ProcessFile { my $f = $_[0]; # file name my $fs = $_[1]; # file specification (path + name) my $spat = $_[2]; # string pattern if ($DEBUG || $VERBOSE) { print " Processing file $f\n"; } $FILECOUNT++; # increment file count # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # open the input and output files # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (! open(IN,"<$fs")) { print "\n"; print "Error: can not open input file $fs\n"; print "$!\n"; print "\n"; return $FAILURE; } # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # read the file one line at a time # test if the string pattern matched the line # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - my $c = 0; # file line number my $l; # line from file while(<IN>) { $l = $_; # copy the line chomp $l; # remove trailing \n from the line $c++; # increment line count if ($CASESENSITIVE) { if ($l =~ /$spat/) { $MATCHCOUNT++; print " $f" . "[$c] $l\n"; } } else { if ($l =~ /$spat/i) { $MATCHCOUNT++; print " $f" . "[$c] $l\n"; } } } $TOTALLINES += $c; # end of file close(IN); return $SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # process command line arguments #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ProcessCommandLineArguments { my $e; # command line argument my $ee; # command line argument (uppercase) my $sp = 1; my $fp = 1; for $e (@ARGV) { $ee = $e; $ee =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if ($ee eq 'DEBUG') { $DEBUG = 1; next; } if ($ee eq 'VERBOSE') { $VERBOSE = 1; next; } if ($ee eq 'CASESENSITIVE') { $CASESENSITIVE = 1; next; } if ($ee eq 'CASE') { $CASESENSITIVE = 1; next; } if ($ee eq 'SENSITIVE') { $CASESENSITIVE = 1; next; } if ($sp) { $STRINGPATTERN = $e; $sp = 0; next; } if ($fp) { $FILEPATTERN = $e; $fp = 0; next; } print "\nError - Extra/Unknown parameter on command line\n"; return $FAILURE; } return $SUCCESS; }
@echo off rem ========================================================= rem window batch file to run my GREP rem ========================================================= echo( echo ---------- My Grep ---------- echo( set /p s="Enter regexp search pattern [error] : " IF "%s%x" EQU "x" ( set s=error ) echo( set /p f="Enter regexp file name pattern [\.html] : " IF "%f%x" EQU "x" ( set f=\.html$ ) perl -w "%s%" "%f%" pause
#!/usr/bin/python3 # =================================================================== # search multiple directories for regular files that match # one of multiple file name patterns (regular expression) # =================================================================== import re import os pats = [r'\.html$', r'\.py$', r'\.txt$' ] # list of # file name patterns dirs = ['.', './z'] # list of directories # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a list of all file names that match a specified pattern # in a directory # # dirs list of directories to search # pats list of regexp to match file names # lst returned list of files names (path + name) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def list_of_files(dirs,pats): lst = [] # ---- for each directory for d in dirs: # ---- names of files in directory fils = os.listdir(d) # ---- directory (path) must end in '/' if not'\/$',d): d = d + '/' for f in fils: # ---- file path + name ff = d + f # ---- regular file? if not os.path.isfile(ff): continue # ---- file name matches a pattern? for p in pats: if,f): # ---- save absolute path + name lst.append(os.path.abspath(ff))) break return lst # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- main # ------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': lst = list_of_files(dirs,pats) # get list of files print(sorted(lst)) # print sorted file list