Create a Dyson Sphere


A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. ... The concept was later popularized by Freeman Dyson in his 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation". (Wikipedia)

Build a Dyson Sphere?


What is the internal surface area of a Dyson sphere with a 1 AU radius around the sun?

Project #2

How much material (volume) would it take to build a Dyson sphere 1 miles thick with a radius of 1 AU?
10 feet thick? 10,000 mile thick? 1 meter thick? 10,000 kilometer thick? Diameter of the earth thick?

Project #3

Assume all of the material that makes up the Earth was used to build a Dyson sphere. How many Earths would be needed to build a 1 mile thick Dyson sphere?
10 feet thick? 10,000 mile thick? 1 meter thick? 10,000 kilometer thick? Diameter of the earth thick?

To be accurate, subtract the volume inside the sphere from the volume including the sphere.

Equations, Formulas, etc.

Surface area of a sphere:

A = 4πr2

Volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3)πr3

Note: r is the sphere's radius; π is Pi.

3.14159...Pi (π) - Define in Python math module (math.pi)
92,955,807.3 miles
(149,597,870 kilometers)
The average distance from the Earth to the sun. It is also an astronomical unit, or AU and
is used to measure distances throughout the solar system.
3,958.8 milesThe radius of the Earth
1.60934 kmkilometers in a mile