Simple card Game


Create simple card games using images of playing cards. Use or other graphics package. (PySimpleGUI or imgui or OpenGl or Tkinter or... ?)

Things To Do Before Creating The Game

1. Search the web for free playing card images. Download them for use in the card games.

2. Create the capability to determine the values of the cards (images).
(For example: card = face value, K,Q,J = 10, A = 1 or 11)
(Store in Python list? dictionary?)

3. Create a deck-shuffling capability. (cards in random order)
(search the web for an algorithm? function? ...?)

3. Create a way to display card faces. (see documentation)

4. On a piece of paper, sketch the layout for a game.

Note: Each game should have a quit button/command.

Project #1

Create a simplified game of 21.

Note: To start with, simplify things with the ace worth only 11 point. When the game is working, add the ace being 1 or 11 points.

Project #2

Create a simplified game of war.

1 What do you do with ties?

Getting Started

Here is some sample/demo PySimpleGUI code.

# ===================================================================
# Resize and display an image using PySimpleGUI
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# also try sg.Image('image file',size=(300,300))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# From:
#       using-pysimplegui-without-having-to-use-an-event-listener
# ===================================================================

from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import PySimpleGUI as sg

filename = 'example.png'

# ---- Resize PNG file to size (300, 300)

size = (300, 300)
im =
im = im.resize(size, resample=Image.BICUBIC)


layout = [
    [sg.Image(size=(300, 300), key='-IMAGE-')],
window = sg.Window('Window Title',layout,margins=(0,0),finalize=True)

# ---- Convert im to ImageTk.PhotoImage after window finalized

image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=im)

# ---- update image in sg.Image


# ---- event loop

while True:

    event, values =
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:

# ===================================================================
# resize an image
# ===================================================================

from PIL import Image

infile     = 'example.png'
outfile    = 'zzzzzzz.png'
new_height = 420

# ---- open image

image =

print('---- input image -----------')
print(f'file  : {infile}')
print(f'width : {image.size[0]}')
print(f'height: {image.size[1]}')

# --- create a "new_width" based on "new_height"

new_width = int(float(image.size[0]) *
                (new_height / float(image.size[1])))

# ---- create a resized image

new_size = (new_width,new_height)

new_image = image.resize(new_size,resample=Image.BICUBIC)

## -------------------------------------------------------
## ---- see PIL.Image documentation for "resize" parameter
## ---- new_image = image.resize(new_size,Image.NEAREST)
## ---- (see FYI Links below)
## -------------------------------------------------------

# ---- save new image

print('---- output image ----------')
print(f'file : {outfile}')
print(f'width : {new_image.size[0]}')
print(f'height: {new_image.size[1]}')

Example of a Layout Design for Project #1

Note: Design your layout on paper before you code it.

image missing
What is missing from this layout design?

FYI Links

Python PIL | Image.resize() method (documentation)