My DBM Documentation/Cheatsheet

This function is used to open a dbm database or create a new database if none exist. Syntax:, flag=’r’, mode=0o666) Parameters: This function take following parameters: file: name of the file. flag: mode of permissions. which can be 'r', 'w', 'c', or 'n'. 'r': open the existing database with permission to read only. 'w': open the existing database with permission to read and write. 'c': open the database for read and write, also create a new one if it doesn’t exists. 'n': Always create a new database with permission to both read and write. mode: The Unix mode of the argument which is an octal form default set to 0o666, used only when new database is to be created. Return: The object address of the database file.

Code Example

This is based on the DBM on my Linux system.

# ----- import the dbm package import dbm # ----- use the open function to create a new # ----- database named 'mydb' in 'n' mode. print() db ='mydb','n') # ----- which dbm module (dbm.gnu, dbm.ndbm, dbm.dumb) print(f'whichdb {dbm.whichdb("mydb")}') print() # ----- insert key/value pairs db['name'] = 'Glenn Miller' db['phone'] = 'PEnnsylvania 6-5000' db['shortname'] = 'Glenn' db['year'] = '1940' # ----- get the value using the get method print('---- get name') print(db.get('name')) print() # ----- print values using value keys and key iterator for k in db.keys(): print(db.get(k)) print() db['name'] = 'louis Armstrong' ##db['name'] = None # error k = db.firstkey() while k is not None: print(db[k]) k = db.nextkey(k) print() # ----- delete a key/value pair del db['phone'] for k in db.keys(): print(db.get(k)) print() # ----- deleting all of the key/value pairs for k in db.keys(): del db[k] db.reorganize() print(f'db count = {len(db.keys())}') # ----- close the database db.close()