A checksum is intended to verify (check) the integrity of data and
identify data-transmission errors, while a hash is designed to create
a unique digital fingerprint of the data. A checksum protects against
accidental changes. A cryptographic hash protects against an attacker.
Explain the differences as well as the similarities between Checksum vs Hash?
I worked on a project that sent a large amount of data across the net. We implemented checksums to very the integrity of the transmitted data. Surprisingly, errors happened more often than we expected.
Create a program to demonstrate the checksum and hash of a string. Create a program to demonstrate the checksum and hash of a file.
Create interactive programs that let the user enter a string or select a file.
Test by modifying the data. What happened?
What about binary (non-text) data?
Implement the project "a simple messaging service" with a checksum capability. Implement the project "a simple messaging service" with a hashing capability.
Test by modifying messages. What happened? How should the program react? What should happen if the communications are automatic and no humans are involved? (Send an email?)
How do hashes relate to digital signatures?
Implementing Checksum using Python
Python Code Examples for calculate checksum
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Python 3 Create md5 Checksum of String (YouTube)
Python Program to Find Hash of File
How to Hash in Python
An introduction to hashing and checksums in Linux