Analyze Publicly Available Data


Many city, state, nation governments, corporations, and other public entities provide open/free access to data they collect.

Project #1

This is an open project. The programmer is basically free to chose what and how to do the project.

1. Pick a area or subject you are interested in. Select one or more free databases. Write a Python program to access the data and generate statistics to analyze the data. For example.

2. Display the statistics/data as a table, plot, graph, pie chart, ... (make it easy for the user to understand)

3. Finally, write a brief description of what the data is saying.

FYI - Useful Tools

matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples)
pandas (fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use data analysis and manipulation tool)

supplemental links

Potential Sources of Data

The following are a few links that potentially lead you to databases, etc. There are many more available on the web.

United Nations
UNdata (home)
UNdata API

World Bank
World Bank Open Data
Introducing WBGAPI: A new python package for accessing World Bank data
Accessing the World Bank Data APIs in Python, R, Ruby & Stata
WBGAPI (documentation)
Introducing WBGAPI: a new python package for accessing World Bank Data
A Cookbook of WBGAPI Recipes
A brief demo of the WBGAPI module

State of California
CA.Gov Open Data Portal

City of Pasadena
Pasadena Ca Open Data
City of Pasadena Open Data Site

Center for Disease Control (CDC)
CDC Wonder
Public-Use Data Files and Documentation

World Health Organization (WHO)
WHO Data Collections

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Uniform Crime Reporting Program
2012 National Incident Reporting System (home)
2012 National Incident Reporting System (data tables)

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Wheat Data