Perfect Hash Generator Documentation

./ -h

Usage: ./ [options] KEYS_FILE [TMPL_FILE]

Generates code for perfect hash functions from a file with keywords and a code
template. If no template file is provided, a small built-in Python template is
processed and the output code is written to stdout.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --delimiter=STR       Delimiter for list items used in output, the default
                        delimiter is ', '
  --indent=INT          Make INT spaces at the beginning of a new line when
                        generated list is wrapped. Default is 4
  --width=INT           Maximal width of generated list when wrapped.  Default
                        width is 76
  --comment=STR         STR is the character, or sequence of characters, which
                        marks the beginning of a comment (which runs till the
                        end of the line), in the input KEYS_FILE. Default is
  --splitby=STR         STR is the character by which the columns in the input
                        KEYS_FILE are split. Default is ','
  --keycol=INT          Specifies the column INT in the input KEYS_FILE which
                        contains the keys. Default is 1, i.e. the first
  --trials=INT          Specifies the number of trials before NG is increased.
                        A small INT will give compute faster, but the array G
                        will be large.  A large INT will take longer to
                        compute but G will be smaller. Default is 5
  --hft=INT             Hash function type INT.  Possible values are 1
                        (StrSaltHash) and 2 (IntSaltHash). The default is 1
  -e, --execute         Execute the generated code within the Python
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                        Specify output FILE explicitly. `-o std' means
                        standard output. `-o no' means no output. By default,
                        the file name is obtained from the name of the
                        template file by substituting `tmpl' to `code'.
  -v, --verbose         verbosity