math is part of the python standard library. It provides functions for basic mathematical operations as well as some commonly used constants.
math is a built-in library that is shipped with every version of Python. It is used to perform math on scalar data, such as trigonometric computations.
If you only need to access pi, you should use the math library.
Moreover, to keep your program light, you should stick with math library.
Python includes two functions in the math package; math.radians converts degrees to radians, and math.degrees converts radians to degrees.
numpy on the other hand is a third party package geared towards scientific computing. It is the defacto package for numerical and vector operations in python. It provides several routines optimized for vector and array computations and as a result, is a lot faster for such operations than say, just using python lists.
numpy is an external library. That means you have to install it after you have already installed Python. It is used to perform math on arrays, and also linear algebra on matrices.
Python includes two functions in the numpy package; numby.deg2rad converts degrees to radians, and numpy.rad2deg converts radians to degrees.