# ===================================================================
# basic statistics (non-bell curve data)
# ----
# The standard deviation is one particular measure of the
# variation. There are several others, Mean Absolute Deviation
# is fairly popular. The standard deviation is by no means special.
# What makes it appear special is that the Gaussian distribution
# is special.
# ----
# The sample standard deviation is a measure of the deviance of
# the observed values from the mean, in the same units used to
# measure the data. Normal distribution, or not.
# Specifically it is the square root of the mean squared deviance
# from the mean.
# So the standard deviation tells you how spread out the data
# are from the mean, regardless of distribution.
# ===================================================================
import random
import statistics
##random.seed(1492) # seed the random number generator
# ---- create a list of random values (they are not a bell curve)
# ---- value range 0 to 29 (inclusive)
vlst = []
for _ in range(1000):
r = random.randint(0,29)
# ---- sort the value list
# ---- (not required for this example but sometimes)
# svlst = sorted(vlst)
# ---- create buckets (bins)
blst = [0 for i in range(30)] # fill buckets (bins) with zero
for v in vlst:
blst[v] += 1
# ---- sort the bucket list
# ---- (not required for this example but sometimes useful)
# sblst = sorted(blst)
# ---- display mean, median, mode
print('---- sorted value list stats')
vmea = statistics.mean(svlst)
print(f'mean = {vmea:.4}')
vmed = statistics.median(svlst)
print(f'median = {vmed:.4}')
vmod = statistics.mode(vlst)
print(f'mode = {vmod}')
vsd = statistics.pstdev(vlst,vmea)
print(f'sd = {vsd:.4}')
print('---- sorted bucket list stats')
bmea = statistics.mean(sblst)
print(f'mean = {bmea:.4}')
bmed = statistics.median(sblst)
print(f'median = {bmed:.4}')
bmod = statistics.mode(sblst)
print(f'mode = {bmod}')
bsd = statistics.pstdev(sblst,bmea)
print(f'sd = {bsd:.4}')
# ---- display buckets (bins)
print('---- buckets')
for i,v in enumerate(blst):
print(f'bucket[{i:2}] {v}')