Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time as measured by two clocks, either
due to a relative velocity between them (special relativity), or a difference in
gravitational potential between their locations (general relativity). When
unspecified, "time dilation" usually refers to the effect due to velocity.
Time Dilation Equation
Where: | t' | = | dilated time |
| t | = | stationary time |
| V | = | velocity |
| C | = | speed of light |
Project #1
Create a program that
- asks the user the percentage of the speed of light a clock is moving compared to a stationary clock
- check to verify the percentage is less than 100%
- display the time dilation factor (see the notes for Project #2)
- loop
Create a GUI?
Project #2
Plot the time dilation factor against the percentage of the speed of light
a clock is moving compared to a stationary clock.
- Y axis is time dilation (0 - 10)
(For example: If a moving clock runs 1/2 as fast as a stationary clock,
the time dilation is 2.)
- X axis is the percentage of the speed of light (0 < 100)
- must have a plot title, axes labels, and tick marks
(instead of tick marks draw a grid?)
- time dilation is how slow a moving clock slows down compared to a stationary clock
- at 95% of the speed of light the time dilation is about 3
- it is impossible to reach 100% of the speed of light
- at 0% the speed of light there is no time dilation
(the two clocks match exactly; time dilation is 1)
I suggest you use pyplot or related modules.
matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples)
Time Dilation
Time dilation