Project #1 Description

In this project you will use numpy arrays. For a brief example using them click HERE .

To plot the data I suggest you use the pyplot or related modules.
matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples)
For more matplotlib.pyplot examples click HERE .

Project Outline

1. Define a compound signal made from sine and cosine waves with differing frequencies.

2. Create an array of sampling monotonically increasing times. This will be used to sample the compound signal.
(This is is a sample of the compound signal in the time domain.)

3. Plot the sample values. This is the signal in the Time Domain. (See the example below.)

4. Using the time sample array, take samples of the compound signal and save them in an array.

5. Compute a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the of the time based sample array. (use the Python library shown in the code example below.)

6. Plot the frequency FFT values.

  1. create an array of frequency steps than covers the range of frequencies.
  2. Plot the frequency steps vs the FFT frequencies values.
This is the compound signal in the Frequency Domain. (See the example below.)

7. Plot an expanded version of the plot in #6. Use the first 1/2 of the each array in #6.
(Make sure there in the same number of elements is in each array.)

This is the signal in the Frequency Domain. (See the example below.)

Project #1

Apply the following steps using the initial data.

signal1 frequency = 100 signal2 frequency = 200 signal3 frequency = 50 sample frequency = 2000 sample time step = 0.0005 sample freq step = 10.0

Step #1 - Define Parameters/Variables for the Program

sigfreqsignal frequency (hz)
(base frequency for sampling)
samfreqsampling frequency (hz)
timsteptime interval between two samples
nnumber of samples
int(10 * samfreq/sigfreq)
freqstepfrequency intervals between two samples

samples : 0 - 199 (samples) time step : 0.0005 (sec) sample time: first = 0.0 last = 0.0995

Step #2 - FTT of Signal Sample

# Note: in this example all of the signals # have the same magnitude (1.0) import numpy as np # ---- signal 1 - sine function - frequency 100 # ---- double the signals magnitude (multiply by 2) # ---- y1 is a numpy array y1 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * sigfreq * t) # ---- signal 2 - sine function - frequency 200 # ---- double the signals magnitude (multiply by 2) # ---- y2 is a numpy array y2 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * sigfreq * t * 2) # ---- signal 3 - sine function - frequency 50 # ---- double the signals magnitude (multiply by 2) # ---- y3 is a numpy array y3 = np.sin(2 * np.pi * sigfreq * t * 0.5) # ---- combine the signals (y is a numpy array) y = y1 + y2 + y3 # ---- perform FFT on samples of the combine signal # ---- x is a numpy array of complex numbers # ---- convert FFT results to absolute values x = np.fft.fft(y) # ---- normalize the absolute values xabs = np.abs(x)/n

Step #3 - Create Arrays For Plotting

# ---- array of sampling times (numpy array) # ---- used for time domain plots t = np.linspace(0,(n-1)*timstep,n) # ---- array of sampling frequencies (numpy array) # ---- used for frequency domain plots f = np.linspace(0,(n-1)*freqstep,n)

Step #4 - Plot the Data For Analysis

Plot the data using subplots. Make it look like the example below.

plot t,y # full time range plot f,xabs # full frequency range # Note: x1 and x2 - correct DC (frequency 0) magnitude by # dividing by 2 because they are multiplied by 2 x2 = 2 * xabs[0:int(n/2+1)] # magnify X 2 x2[0] = x2[0]/2 # correct frequency 0 plot f/2,x2 # 1/2 frequency range x4 = 2 * xabs[0:int(n/2+1)] # magnify X 2 x4[0] = x4[0]/2 # correct frequency 0 plot f/4,x4 # 1/4 frequency range

What frequencies did you find?
Did you find the original frequencies?

Intermediate Arrays, etc.

t array len(t)=200 t[0]=0.0 t[-1]=0.0995 f array len(f)=200 f[0]=0.0 f[-1]=1990.0 y1 array len(y1)=200 y1[0]=0.0 y1[-1]=-0.309017 y2 array len(y2)=200 y2[0]=0.0 y2[-1]=-0.587785 y3 array len(y3)=200 y3[0]=0.0 y3[-1]=-0.156434 y array len(y) =200 y[0]=0.0 y[-1]=-1.053237 x array len(x)=200 x[0]=-0.000000+0.000000j x[-1]=-0.000000-0.000000j x_abs array len(x_abs)=200 x_abs[0]=0.000000 x_abs[-1]=0.000000


image missing
Plot created using 4 sublplots.