Pillow is a Python Image Library.
You will need it for this project.
Here is how to test if Pillow is installed and
what version is installed...
import PIL
if it is not installed or needs an upgrade...
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
Project #0
Write a description of the following...
- What is the difference between PIL and Pillow?
- What are the characteristics of a GIF image file?
Project #1
create an animated GIF file.
- draw x and y axes (Cartesian coordinates)
- draw a big circle
- big circle radius = 300
- draw a dot on the circle at location x,y
- move the dot around the circle by changing its coordinates
- start the dot at x = big-circle-radius, y = 0
- dot radius = 12
- dot fill color = 'black'
- draw lines perpendicular to the axes to the dot
- if a line's x or y Cartesian coordinate is negative draw
it in 'red' otherwise draw it in 'black'
- use the range(0,360,5) for the angles when creating images
Note: positive angles are counterclockwise
- image_size = (800,800)
- drawing order:
- draw xy axes
- draw big circle
- draw perpendicular lines
- draw dot
For example
To see an animated GIF click
Project #2
Next to the dot, write the dot's x,y coordinates.
They should change as the dot moves.
Project #3
Create some related images in a directory.
Create an animated GIF from the images.
For example, in a drawing program create images
of a stick figure walking.
Note: all of the images should be the same size
to create the GIF.
project #4
The animation in project #1 is kinda jerky. Smooth it out.
Sample Code To Get You Started
# =========================================================
# create an animated GIF file
# this code does the work in Cartesian coordinates and
# converts to image/window coordinates to draw
# =========================================================
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# ---- convert Cartesian coordinates to image/window
# ---- coordinates
# ---- Note:
# ---- 1. The Cartesian coordinate's origin (0,0) is in
# ---- the center of the image/window
# ---- 2. The image/window coordinate's origin (0,0) is
# ---- in the upper-left corner of the image
# ---------------------------------------------------------
def coord_convert(cx,cy,image_size):
<add code here>
return (ix,iy)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# create a new image for the GIF
# ----------------------------------------------------------
def new_image(angle,radius,image_size):
# ---- create a new image object
image ='RGB', image_size, 'white')
# ---- create a draw object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# ---- draw x axis
<add code here>
# ---- draw y axis
<add code here>
# ---- draw a large circle
<add code here>
# ---- draw a dot on the circle at coordinates x,y
# ---- and perpendicular lines to the axes
rad = math.radians(angle)
x = radius * math.cos(rad)
y = radius * math.sin(rad)
# ---- draw a horizontal a line between the dot
# ---- and the y axis
<add code here>
draw.line( ... )
# ---- draw a vertical line between the dot
# ---- and the x axis
<add code here>
draw.line( ... )
# ---- draw a dot on the circle (radius 12)
<add code here>
return image
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ---- make animated GIF from multiple images
# ----------------------------------------------------------
def make_gif(radius,image_size,file_name):
frames = []
# ---- create and image for each angle in the loop
for angle in range(0,360,10): # degrees
# ---- collect the images into a GIF
frame_one = frames[0],format='GIF',
save_all=True, duration=200, loop=0)
return len(frames)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ---- main
# ----------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
radius = 150
image_size = (400,400)
file_name = '<image file name and path>'
c = make_gif(radius,image_size,file_name)
print(f'{c} images in GIF file {file_name}')
Animated GIF
Creating an Animated GIF with Python
How to Create a GIF from Matplotlib Plots in Python
Python Pillow – ImageDraw Module
Pillow Documentation