Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors Game Rules

Rock wins against scissors; Paper wins against rock; and Scissors wins against paper.

Paper covers rock; Rock smashes scissors; Scissor cuts paper.

Project #1

Create a Rock Paper Scissors interactive game for two players.


  1. Display game rules
  2. Ask the users to enter their names
  3. loop
    1. Users enter their selection
    2. Selections tested. Comment on results.
    3. If there is a winner, display their name and a congratulations message.
    4. Ask "play another game"? exit.

Can one of the players be the computer? Can the compute cheat? Cheat 80 percent of the time? Random amount of cheating?

Create a GUI for the game?

Project #2

Add a third player. How do the rules of the game Change?

Project #3

Add a fourth, fifth, ... player. How do the rules of the game Change? Use an iteration/elimination game?

Project #4

Create a Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock interactive game.

This image is licensed under the Creative Commons


Rock paper scissors (Wikipedia)