Code Examples and Hints

Test JSON File

Copy onto your test web site for initial testing.

{ "name": "Billy Bob", "title": "Test Json File", "date": "20240504", "list": [1,2,3,4,5] }

Then create your own JSON data for testing. (Be sure to use double quotes. Single quotes cause errors.)

Non-Cached Web Request

#!/usr/bin/python3 # ============================================================== # pip install requests # pip install html-to-json # ============================================================== import requests import html_to_json from pprint import pprint URL: Final = '' # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- get response from URL (no caching) # --------------------------------------------------------------- def get_response(): try: response = requests.get(URL) print(f'URL: {URL}') print(f'response type {type(response)}') print(f'apparent encoding {response.apparent_encoding}') print(f'encoding {response.encoding}') content = response.content print() print(type(content)) print(f'---- content\n{content}') string = content.decode('utf-8') print() print(type(string)) print(f'---- string\n{string}') json: dict = html_to_json.convert(string) print() print(type(json)) print(f'---- json\n{json}') print() pprint(json) except Exception as e: print(f'Error status code {response.status_code}') print(e) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- main # --------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': get_response()

Cached Web Request

#!/usr/bin/python3 # ================================================================ # Based on: # "OPTIMIZE" Your Python Apps By Caching # ================================================================ from typing import Final from dataclasses import dataclass from requests_cache import CachedSession from pprint import pprint URL: Final = 'https://www.???????.com/my_test.json' @dataclass class MyTest: name: str = None title: str = None date: str = None list: list = None # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- get cached response from URL # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def get_response(): try: # ---- cache session session = CachedSession( cache_name='cache/my_test', # cache folder and name expire_after=60) # optional cache # expiration time # 60 sec = 1 min response = session.get(URL) json = response.json() mytest = MyTest(**json) print(f'"{}"') print(f'"{mytest.list}"') print(f'"{mytest.title}"') except Exception as e: print(f'Exception returned status code {response.status_code}') print(e) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- main # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': get_response()

Non-cached Web API Request

#!/usr/bin/python3 # ========================================================== # from: # (returns JSON Data) # ========================================================== import requests from pprint import pprint # ---- get request # ---- (web site has API interface - returns json data) URL = '' response = requests.get(URL) # ---- print response content (bytes string) ##print() ##print(response.content) # ---- get response as json dictionary json: dict = response.json() # ----print json content print() pprint(json)