Class Programs and Activities

Final project

Project #1, Create a button does not have buttons. Create your own button. (Start with a rectangle.)

Part 1, create a graphics window and place at least three buttons in it. One button should be "Exit" or "Quit". The other two buttons do something like:

  1. print on the terminal which button was activated
  2. change the color of some graphics object
  3. do some thing else to indicate a button was activated

Part 2, create round buttons that change color when activated.

Part 3, use an image as a button

Hint: create a class called Button. Put all (most) of the button functionality in it:

Project #2, Create a simple game

Part 1. pong

Part 2. breakout

Part 3. hangman

Project #3, Create a clock

Part #1, create a 12 hour clock with a hour and second hand

Part #2, add hour numbers.

Part #3, add minute tick marks of some kind.

Part #4, create a 24 hour clock and a way to switch between 12 hour and 24 hour clocks.

Project #4, Display normal vectors for each surface of a wire frame cube

Part #1, draw the normal vectors pointing toward the viewer in black, and the normal vectors pointing away from the viewer in red.

Note: The program should allow you to rotate/translate the wire frame object and its normal vectors.

Draw the normal vector from the center of each side of the cube? A normal vector may be calculated using a cross product of two vectors in a plane. create a vector from the center of a side of the cube to two corners of the cube. (Make sure they are not the "same" vector. That is, don't point in the same direction.)

The normal vector may be very long. Scale it to a reasonable size for viewing.

A normal vector may be calculated using a cross product of two vectors in a plane. Possible code?

import numpy as np

# three points in a plane
# (the obvious choice is three corners of a side of the cube)

p1 = np.array([x1, y1, z1])
p2 = np.array([x2, y2, z2])
p3 = np.array([x3, y3, z3])

# ---- cross product (normal vector to plane)
# ---- Note: remember the right hand rule

xp = np.cross(p2-p1, p3-p1)

# ---- scale normal vector to fit the drawing
# ---- find max x,y,z dimension value

max = np.abs(xp[0])
if np.abs(xp[1]) > max:
    max = np.abs(xp[1])
elif np.abcs(xp[2]) > max:
    max = np.abs(xp[2])

# ---- scale x,y,z dimension values - maximum value is 50

scale_factor = 50.0/max

cp[0] = int(np.round(cp[0] * scale_factor))
cp[1] = int(np.round(cp[1] * scale_factor))
cp[2] = int(np.round(cp[2] * scale_factor))

Part #2, draw only the wire frame lines for surfaces that the normal vector points toward the viewer. This should give the illusion of a solid object.

Part #3, draw other wire frame shapes. (Ask the instructor.)