point = numpy.array([x,y,1])
point = numpy.array([x,y,z,1])
mx = get_identity_matrix_2d()
mx = get_identity_matrix_3d()
mx = get_translation_matrix_2d(dx,dy)
mx = get_translation_matrix_3d(dx,dy,dz)
mx = get_z_rotation_matrix_2d(deg)
mx = get_x_rotation_matrix_3d(deg)
mx = get_y_rotation_matrix_3d(deg)
mx = get_z_rotation_matrix_3d(deg)
mx = get_scaling_matrix_2d(sx,sy)
mx = get_scaling_matrix_3d(sx,sy,sz)
(cx,cy) = win_to_center_coords(wx,wy,win_width,win_height)
(wx,wy) = center_to_win_coords(cx,cy,win_width,win_height)
tf = running_python3()
s = get_user_input(prompt)
(tf,n) = is_float(s)
(tf,n) = is_int(s)
tf = is_a_number(s)
plst = split_into_parameters(s)
plst = replace_commas_and_split(s)
plst = parse_csv(s)
nv = calc_cross_product(pt1,pt2,pt3)
tf = booelan (True,False)
deg = angle in degrees
plst = list of parameters from a string
nv = [x,y,z] (a vector has magnitude and direction, but not position)