The following code example is from
Decorators in Python || Python Tutorial
Watch the complete video for a detailed information.
Description of How It Works
# ---- define a function that will be used as a decorator
def decorator_demo(func):
def inner_function(*args,**kargs):
~~~~~ some code ~~~~~
return inner_function
# ---- modify the behavior of the "work" function (f) using
# ---- the decorator
def f(x,y,z):
~~~~ some code ~~~~
# ---- Note: when you call the function (f) Python executes
# ---- decorator_demo(f)(x,y,z)
Code Example
# =========================================================
# Use defined decorator - display code execution time
# =========================================================
import time
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# timer decorator - display code execution time
# ---------------------------------------------------------
def timer(f):
def wrapper(*args,**kargs):
start_time = time.perf_counter()
##start_time = time.time()
results = f(*args,**kargs)
stop_time = time.perf_counter()
##stop_time = time.time()
dt = stop_time - start_time
print(f'dt = {dt}')
return results
return wrapper
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# here we use the "timer" decorator to wrap the
# function prime_factorization
# ---------------------------------------------------------
def prime_factorization(n):
factors = []
divisor = 2
while n > 1:
while n % divisor == 0:
n //= divisor
divisor += 1
return factors
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# here we execute the function "prime_factorization" which
# is wrapped by the "timer" decorator
# ----
# when executing "prime_factorization" the "timer" function
# steps in front of the call and returns the function
# "wrapper" which is then executed. "wrapper" executes
# "prime_factorization" and displays its execution time.
# ---------------------------------------------------------
results = prime_factorization(2**29+1)