Convert Float Degrees to deg/min/sec

# ===================================================================
# convert float degrees to deg/min/sec
# ===================================================================

import user_interface as ui

# ---- array of float test data (deg + min + sec)
test_data = [ 30.263888889,
              90.0 + 10/60.0,
              36.0 + 45/60.0 + 32.8/3600.0,
              -(270.0 + 52/60.0) ]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- convert to degrees:int, minutes:int, seconds:int, seconds:float
# ---- (function does not work with negative degrees - fix it) 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

def dms(deg:float) -> tuple:
    if deg < 0.0:
        print('degrees must not be negative')
        return (0,0,0,0.0)
    d  = int(deg)
    mf = abs(deg - d) * 60.0
    m = int(mf)
    sf = (mf - m) * 60.0
    s = int(sf)
    return (d,m,s,sf)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- main
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

while True:

    ## ---- test with user input
    ##s = ui.get_user_input('Input degrees: ')
    ##if not s:                  # empty string?
    ##    break
    ##tf,deg = ui.is_float(s)
    ##if not tf:
    ##    print()
    ##    print(f'bad input ({s})')
    ##    continue
    ##d,m,s,sf  = dms(deg)
    ##print(f'converted: {d}/{m}/{s}  {d}/{m}/{sf}')

    # ---- test with predefined data

    for x in test_data:
        print(f'degrees: {x:.6}')
        d,m,s,sf  = dms(x)
        print(f'converted: {d}/{m}/{s}  {d}/{m}/{sf:.6f}')
