# ===================================================================
# math.stackexchange.com/questions/375083/given-coordinates-of-
# beginning-and-end-of-two-intersecting-line-segments-how-do
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lines # 1 line segments cross at the origin
# -100,100 * | * 100,100
# \ | /
# \ | /
# \ | /
# \|/
# ----------+----------
# /|\
# / | \
# / | \
# / | \
# -100,-100 * | * 100,-100
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lines # 2 line segments don't cross; don't intersect at the origin
# | * 100,100
# | /
# | * 50,50
# |
# |
# ----------+----------
# |
# |
# |
# 0,-100 *--------* 100,-100
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lines # 3 line segments don't cross
# -100,100 * | * 100,100
# \ | /
# -50,50 * | * 50,50
# |
# |
# ----------+----------
# |
# |
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Line # 4 parallel lines (do not cross)
# -100,100 |
# * * 0,100
# \ | \
# \ | \
# \| \
# ----------*------*---
# 0,0 | 100,0
# |
# |
# ===================================================================
# ---- each entry is two lines: ((x1,y1,x2,y2),(u1,v1,u2,v2))
# ---- line segments are used to define lines
intersections = [ ((100,100,-100,-100), (-100,100,100,-100)),
((100,100,50,50), (100,-100,0,-100)),
((100,100,50,50), (-100,100,-50,50)),
((-100,100,0,0), (0,100,100,0))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- calculate the intersection of two lines (segments)
# ---- defined by X,Y coordinates.
# ---- Note: the intersection point must be tested if you want to
# ---- see if the two line segments intersect. lines go on to
# ---- infinity. line segments have end points.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def calculate_intersection(line1,line2):
x1 = line1[0]
y1 = line1[1]
x2 = line1[2]
y2 = line1[3]
u1 = line2[0]
v1 = line2[1]
u2 = line2[2]
v2 = line2[3]
# ---- calculate X
x = -1 * ((x1 - x2) * (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1) - (u2 - u1) *
(x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)) / ((v1 - v2) * (x1 - x2) - (u2 - u1) *
(y2 - y1))
except Exception as e:
return (False,0,0)
# ---- calculate Y
y = -1 * (u1 * v2 * y1 - u1 * v2 * y2 - u2 * v1 * y1 + u2 *
v1 * y2 - v1 * x1 * y2 + v1 * x2 * y1 + v2 * x1 *
y2 - v2 * x2 * y1) / (-1 * u1 * y1 + u1 * y2 + u2 *
y1 - u2 * y2 + v1 * x1 - v1 * x2 - v2 * x1 + v2 * x2)
except Exception as e:
return (False,0,0)
return (True,x,y)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- main
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
test_count = 1 # intersection test counter
for line_pair in intersections:
tf,x,y = calculate_intersection(line_pair[0],line_pair[1])
if tf:
print(f'line{test_count} x = {x:.2f} y = {y:.2f}')
test_count += 1