Create a data set of values that fit a bell curve (normal distribution).
Plot the data as a histogram and a line.
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# see
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import secrets
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# ---- create a random number generator
# ---- (seed is a very large number)
seed = secrets.randbits(128)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# ---- create 1000 random number that fit a bell curve
# ---- (normal distribution)
# ---- loc is the mean
# ---- scale is the standard deviation
# ---- size is the number of samples
numbers = rng.normal(loc=0,scale=4,size=1000)
min_num = min(numbers)
max_num = max(numbers)
sigma = np.std(numbers)
mean = np.mean(numbers)
print(f'type(numbers) = {type(numbers)}')
print(f'min number = {min_num}')
print(f'max number = {max_num}')
print(f'sigma = {sigma} (standard deviation)')
print(f'mean = {mean}')
# ---- collect numbers into 30 bins and plot a histogram
# ---- density=True means the area under the histogram is 1
count,bins,ignore = plt.hist(numbers,30,density=True)
print(f'type(bins) = {type(bins)}')
print(f'len(bins) = {len(bins)}')
# ---- create an np.array containing the bell curve's y values
# ---- a y value for each x (bins) value
y = 1/(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))* \
print(f'type(y) = {type(y)}')
print(f'len(y) = {len(y)}')
# ---- plot (bins,y)
Equation for the X,Y Coordinates of a Bell Curve
Y = Ke-(X-M)2/(2σ2)
X,Y | are the curve's x,y coordinates (used for plotting, etc.) |
K | is the maximum Y coordinate; used to scale the Y coordinates
(height in Y units) |
M | is the curve's mathematical mean
(X coordinate of the mean) |
σ | is the curve's standard deviation;
determines how fat or skinny the curve is (width in X units) |
e | is Euler's number; is a constant; is an irrational number
(defined in the Python numpy module and other libraries) |
With this equation the user can:
- select what part of the curve to calculate;
(used for plotting, etc.)
- set X coordinate for the curve's mean
- set maximum value of the curve's Y coordinates
- set how fat of skinny the curve is;
standard deviation (in X units)