This information is from: Python Virtual Environments - Full Tutorial for Beginners
A virtual environment is a self-contained location that enables you to maintain separate and isolated environments for your Python projects.
Virtual Environments (VEs) are directories on your system.
Advantages are
There are several virtual environments available, but 'venv' is built into Python.
Some other VEs are: Poetry, Python virtualenv, Conda, pipenv.
Note: VENV commands are slightly different for Windows and Linux/Mac.
The convention is to use the name "env" but it is not a requirement.
python -m venv env
python3 -m venv env
./source env/bin/activate
(env) <shell prompt> deactivate
rmdir <project_name> /s
rm /r <project_name>
venv — Creation of virtual environments (Python Documentation)
Python Tutorial: VENV (Windows) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module (YouTube)
Python Tutorial: VENV (Mac & Linux) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module (YouTube)
Virtual Environments in Python - Crash Course (YouTube)
Clean New Projects with venv - Virtual Environments (YouTube)