Python Interactive Help

Start The python interpreter

$ python3

Display the list available objects

>>> dir()

Display the list of common functions and types that are always available

>>> dir(__builtins__)

Display help information about one of the functions

>>> help(zip)
>>> help(print)

Test the one of the functions (for example print)

>>> print('a', 'b', 'c')
>>> print('a','b','c',,sep='-')
Test other functions

Display a list of available modules

>>> help('modules')

Import the math module and show that it is now available

>>> import math
>>> dir(__builtins__)

Display math module help

>>> dir(math)
>>> type(math.pi)
>>> math.pi
>>> type(math.radians)
>>> help(math.radians)
>>> math.radians(180)

Now try this

>>> help(help)
>>> help(dir)