Python Class Grading

Weekly Quizzes

A short quiz will be given at the start of every class. The quiz with the lowest grade will be thrownout and not used as part of the student's final grade.


Homework will be given every week and be part of the quizs. This will require time outside of class.

Final Exam

There will be a final exam. It will cover the material presented in class as well as assigned homework.


Students will be given a final project/presentation to complete. This will require time outside of class.

Class Participation

Class participation is part of the final grade.

Grade Score

If there are projects or presentations:

If there are no projects or presentations:

A student's points are added together and compared to the maximum points possible. A percentage grade is calculated and rounded up to the nearest whole percentage.

A+100% - 99%
A98% - 92%
A-91% - 90%
B+89% - 88%
B87% - 82%
B-81% - 80%
C+79% - 78%
C77% - 72%
C-71% - 70%
D+69% - 68%
D67% - 62%
D-61% - 60%
Fless than 60%

Grade Calculation

Note: Student participation is a percentage grade give by the instructor. That is why the conversion to points, etc. is calculated differently. (100% is the maximum participation score)

# calculate a student's grade
# ==================================================================

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate a student's maximum possible points
# this must be done for each student because the lowest quiz
# score is dropped. which quiz to drop will vary by student
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

MaxQuizzes = sum(float(max-quiz-score))      # minus lowest score

MaxFinal = float(max-final-score)

MaxProjects = sum(float(max-project-score))  # no projects = 0.0

MaxParticipation = 100.0

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate a student's actual (total) points
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

StudentQuizzes = sum(float(quiz-score))      # minus lowest score

StudentFinal = float(final-score)

StudentProjects = sum(float(project-score))  # no projects = 0.0

StudentParticipation = (Instructor's participation eval - max=100%)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate a student's percentage grade (with Projects)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

Quizzes = 33.0 * (StudentQuizzes / MaxQuizzes)

Final  = 33.0 * (StudentFinal / MaxFinal)

Projects = 33.0 * (StudentProjects / MaxProjects)

Participation = 1.0 * (StudentParticipation / MaxParticipation)

PercentGrade = int(ceiling(Quizzes + Final + Projects +

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate a student's percentage grade (without Projects)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

Quizzes = 59.0 * (StudentQuizzes / MaxQuizzes)

Final  = 40.0 * (StudentFinal / MaxFinal)

Participation = 1.0 * (StudentParticipation / MaxParticipation)

PercentGrade = int(ceiling(Quizzes + Final + Participation))

Student Grades Prototype

Student Grades