#! /usr/bin/python3 # ================================================================== # drop document from collection # ================================================================== from pymongo import MongoClient import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() # ---- support function: display documents in collection def display_documents(col,title): if not title == None: print(title) for x in col.find({},{"_id":0,"firstname": 1,"lasrname":1}): pp.pprint(x) # ---- add documents to collection database = 'phonedb' collection = 'phones' docs = [ { 'firstname': 'Tom', 'lastname': 'Rot', 'phonenumber': '666-555-8888' }, { 'firstname': 'Tom', 'lastname': 'Terrific', 'nickname': 'cool breeze' }, { 'firstname': 'Judy', 'lastname': 'O', 'phonenumber': '(555) 123-4567' } ] client = MongoClient() db = client[database] col = db[collection] x = col.insert_many(docs) display_documents(col,'before delete ------------------') query = { 'firstname' : 'Tom' } x = col.delete_many(query) print(f'{x.deleted_count} documents deleted') display_documents(col,'after delete -------------------') # ---- delete all documents in the collection x = col.delete_many({}) print(f'{x.deleted_count} documents deleted') display_documents(col,'after delete all----------------')