
#! /usr/bin/python3
# ===================================================================
#  test/verify round function
# ===================================================================
#  if very accurate positioning of the center of a window
#  is important, the window width and height should be an
#  odd number number of pixels.
#  why...
#  the width and height are the number of pixels in a given
#  direction (x,y) and start counting at 1. pixel coordinates start
#  from 0. With even sided windows (for example 800,400) the
#  center coordinates have a fractional part (i.e. 399.5,199.5).
#  the problem is converting window sizes to window coordinates.
#  for example, given a window size of 8 or 9 ...
#         windows size 8        window size 9
#         count    coord        count   coord
#           1        0            1       0
#           2        1            2       1
#           3        2            3       2
#           4        3            4       3
#           5        4            5       4
#           6        5            6       5
#           7        6            7       6
#           8        7            8       7
#                                 9       8
#  with size 8, the center is beween coordinates 4 and 5.
#  with size 9, the center is exactly coordinate 4.
# ===================================================================

def test_round(winx,winy):

   midx  = winx/2
   midy  = winy/2
   rmidx = round(midx)
   rmidy = round(midy)

   print(f'winx          = {winx:<6}     {type(winx)}')
   print(f'winy          = {winy:<6}     {type(winy)}')
   print(f'winx/2        = {midx:<6}     {type(midx)}')
   print(f'winy/2        = {midy:<6}     {type(midy)}')
   print(f'round(winx/2) = {rmidx:<7}    {type(rmidx)}')
   print(f'round(winy/2) = {rmidy:<7}    {type(rmidy)}')

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# ---- main
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