#!/usr/bin/python3 # =================================================================== # From: www.tynker.com/weekly-projects/spiraling-shapes-python # =================================================================== # FYI: stackoverflow.com/questions/60917905/ # turtle-graphics-how-do-i-implement-a-pause-function # =================================================================== # import the turtle library and create the turtle import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() # drawa dot at the center of the screen t.dot() t.speed(8) t.screen.title("Draw A Spiral Shape") def draw_shape_spiral(sides,length,angle,color): for i in range(round(360/angle)): # turn the pen clockwise #rotate by a specified angle t.penup() t.right(angle) # go to center point and move to position t.goto(0,0) t.forward(round(length/2)) # set the shape color t.pencolor(color) # draw the shape with a specific number of # sides and length t.down() for _ in range(sides): t.right(round(360/sides)) t.forward(length) # draw a spiral #draw_shape_spiral(5,100,20,'green') #draw_shape_spiral(3, 30, 45, 'orange') #draw_shape_spiral(8, 50, 30, 'blue') #draw_shape_spiral(5, 40, 90, 'orange') #draw_shape_spiral(4,150, 32, 'pink') # draw two together #draw_shape_spiral(5, 80, 20, 'green') #draw_shape_spiral(4, 70, 45, 'orange') # draw three together # 1. draw a green pentagon # 2. draw a large green pentagon # 3. draw spirals closer together draw_shape_spiral(5, 50, 40, 'green') draw_shape_spiral(5,100, 40, 'green') draw_shape_spiral(5,100, 20, 'green') # draw four together #draw_shape_spiral(3, 30, 45, 'orange') #draw_shape_spiral(8, 50, 30, 'blue') #draw_shape_spiral(5, 40, 90, 'orange') #draw_shape_spiral(4,150, 32, 'pink') t.screen.mainloop()