# ========================================================= # Code based on: # www.python-course.eu/tkinter_checkboxes.php # ========================================================= # --- am I running Python 2 or 3 import sys if sys.version_info.major is 3: from tkinter import * py3 = True else: from Tkinter import * py3 = False # --- checkbox callback? def CB(): w = c.winfo_width() h = c.winfo_height() print('checkbox: w={},h={}'.format(w,h)) w = root.winfo_width() h = root.winfo_height() print('root: w={},h={}'.format(w,h)) # --- root window root = Tk() # --- do no alllow resize root.minsize(width=100,height=100) root.maxsize(width=100, height=100) # --- create check button var = IntVar() c = Checkbutton(root, text='Expand', variable=var, font=('arial', '15'), command=CB) c.pack() # --- size of widget? # --- Note that if you call this code before the window # --- appears on the screen, you won't get the answer # --- you expect. Tkinter needs to have actually drawn # --- the window before it can know the size. So the # --- following code is bogus. Try a callback function # --- when the button changes. w = c.winfo_width() h = c.winfo_height() print('w={},h={}'.format(w,h)) # --- event loop mainloop()