
#! /usr/bin/python3
# ===================================================================
# process a tree of directories and files
# Only process files that are new or changed
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# To create a delta tree, use TopDown=True and DirFirst=True
# To delete a tree, use TopDown=Flase and DirFirst=False
# ===================================================================

import os
import zz_user_interface      as ui
import zz_file_dir_operations as df

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# runtime enviroment
# DEBUG         if True, print debug messages
# DELTADIR      root directory of the delta tree to be created
# DIRFIRST      if true, process directories before files
#               if false, process files before directories
# INCLUDEFILES  RegExp list, files names to process
# ROOTDIR       root direrctory of tree to process
# SKIPDIRS      RegExp list, directories to skip processing
# SKIPFILES     RegExp list, files names to skip processing
# TESTMODE      if True, do every thing except create the delta tree
#               if False, create the delta tree
#               (used for testing before making actual changes)
# TOPDOWN       if True, process the tree from the top down
#               if False, process the tree from the bottom to top
# VERBOSE       if True, print verbose messages (warm fuzzy messages)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

DEBUG        = False
DELTADIR     = './delta/'          # should end in a '/' character
DIRFIRST     = True
INCLUDEFILES = [ r'\.py$',         # include py files
                 '\\.html$',       # include html files
                 '\.ino$' ]        # include ino files
ROOTDIR      = './'                # should end in a '/' character
SKIPDIRS     = [ '^x',             # skip 'x' direrctories
                 '^__pycache__$']  # skip py cache directories
SKIPFILES    = [ r'^\.',           # skip hidden files (linux/Unix only)           
                 '^my_',           # skip 'my_' files
                 '^tk_']           # skip 'tk_' files
TESTMODE     = True
TOPDOWN      = True
VERBOSE      = True

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# process each selected directory with this function
# (directory is path + name)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

def DirFunction(Directory,TestMode,Verbose,Debug):

    if Debug or Verbose:

    return True

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# process each selected file with this function
# (file is path + name)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

def FileFunction(File,TestMode,Verbose,Debug):

    if Debug or Verbose:

    return True

# ===================================================================
# main
# ===================================================================

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print('start of tree processing')

    #---- running Python3?

    py3 = ui.RunningPython3()

   # ---- root directory exists?

    if not os.path.isdir(ROOTDIR):
        print("Root directory does not exist ({})".format(ROOTDIR))

   # ---- delta directory exists?

    if os.path.isdir(DELTADIR):
        print("Delta directory already exists ({})".format(DELTADIR))

    # ---- walk (process) the tree of directories and files


    print('end of tree processing')