My IoT Devices (LEDs)
I put this material together from various sources. No guarantees are made.

Arduino Sketchs

simple blink LEDs
cascade or triple blink LEDs
blink a random number of LEDs
display RGB LED colors
pushbutton Debounce
millis() overflow problem
use threads and thread controller
(blink LEDs at different rates.
Not true multi-tasking but maybe good enough.)

work in progress

Python3 - IoT Test MQTT Publisher
Python3 - IoT Test MQTT Subscriber
Python3 - support module (

Useful Links

How to Use a Push Button - Arduino Tutorial
Event driven demo
LESSON 28: Tutorial for Programming Software Interrupts on Arduino (YouTube)
Arduino Reference Libraries: Thread
How to "Multithread" an Arduino (Protothreading Tutorial)
Arduino Protothreads [Tutorial]
(when to use them, how to use them, and why?)
Arduino Library List: Thread

Test Setup

image missing image missing

image missing
image missing
image missing