Bell Curve
image missing
Bell Curve

image missing
Standard Deviation

Project #1 - Plot a Bell Curve

Using, plot a bell curve.

Vary these values and see what you get.

Are there other Python modules that can plot data?

Project #2

Create a file containing population data that is a bell curve. This file can act as population data when generating statistics. (see project #3)

What does random.normal() do?
What does numpy.random.normal() do?
What does scipy.stats.norm() do?

Project #3 - Mean (average) and Standard Deviation

Create an interactive program to

There are several Python modules that will generate the mean and standard deviation from a list of numbers. (see numpy)

Equation for the X,Y Coordinates of a Bell Curve

Y = Ke-(X-M)2/(2σ2)

X,Yare the curve's x,y coordinates (used for plotting, etc.)
Kis the maximum Y coordinate; used to scale the Y coordinates
(height in Y units)
Mis the curve's mathematical mean (X coordinate of the mean)
σis the curve's standard deviation; determines how fat or skinny
the curve is (width in X units)
eis Euler's number; is a constant; is an irrational number
(defined in the Python numpy module and other libraries)

With this equation the user can:


image missing m = the population mean n = the size of the population x = each value from the population

Standard Deviation

image missing σ = population standard deviation n = the size of the population x = each value from the population m = the population mean

Python Examples

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- return the bell curve's y coordinate for a given x coordinate # ---- x bell curve x coordinate # ---- ymax bell curve data arithmetic mean (y coordinate) # ---- mean bell curve data arithmetic mean (x coordinate) # ---- sd bell curve data standard deviation # ------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np def BellCurveValue(x,ymax,mean,sd): y = ymax * pow(np.e,-pow(x-mean,2)/(2.0*sd*sd)) return y

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- return a list of random samples from a population list # ---- poplst - population data list # ---- samsiz - size of sample # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- What kind of sampling does your problem require? # ---- When a sample is drawn from a finite population and is # ---- returned to that population, sampling is said to be # ---- "sampling with replacement". This means a sample can be # ---- selected more than once. When we sample with replacement, # ---- the two sample values are independent. For example, if we # ---- are roll a die or tossing a coin more that once, we are # ---- "sampling with replacement". # ------------------------------------------------------------------ import numpy as np import random def RandomSample(poplst,samsiz): poplen = len(poplst) # ---- collect samsiz samples sam = [] # list of samples for _ in range(samsiz): i = random.randint(0,poplen-1) sam.append(poplst[i]) # ---- calculate mean and standard deviation avg = np.mean(sam) # mean (average) std = np.std(sam) # standard deviation return (sam,avg,std)

Useful Links

Formula for the Normal Distribution or Bell Curve
Note: This has a slightly different version of the equation. Read the article for more information.

Standard Deviation (Wikipedia)

Normal Distribution (Wikipedia)

Standard deviation (simply explained) (YouTube)


Sometimes suspect/bad/outlier data can be part of a sample taken from a population. For a method to eliminate outliers, click HERE .