Python's Minimal Perfect Hash Table


A perfect hash function for a set S of keys maps all keys in S to different numbers. That means that for the set S, the hash function is collision-free, or perfect. Further, a perfect hash function is called "minimal" when it maps N keys to N consecutive integers, usually in the range from 0 to N-1. (PyPi perfect-hash Documentation)

We will use the program to generate a minimal perfect hash function (in Python) for a given set of keys.

There are two ways to obtain the tool

1. Install and Use It In A Python Program

pip install perfect-hash

What actually happens is the program is downloaded and made available as a Python module. At the end of the install messages the location of the installed program is displayed.

There are two ways to access it within a Python program...

import sys
from perfect_hash import main


  a. This uses a Python program run the Python
  b. Put program arguments on the command line
import perfect_hash as ph


Note: This code allow access to internal methods

2. Download and Use It On The Command line

Note: This may be the best and simplest way to use the tool.

You can get from the install step above or locate and download it from the web. Either way, copy it to the location of your choice. For example to use it ...

./  [options] KEYS_FILE [TMPL_FILE]
Note: you may need replace the first line of the file with "#!/usr/bin/python3" or something like it.


To see examples click HERE . Documentation

To see the command line help click HERE .

For more information about the PyPi Perfect-Hash Project click HERE .

More perfect-hash Documentation .

Links (code found on the web)
Create Minimum perfect hash for sparse 64-bit unsigned integer
perfection module (A module that creates perfect hash functions for a known set of integer inputs)
Generic Perfect Hash Generator
Hash function (Wikipedia)
Hashing Tutorial 6 - Introduction to Perfect Hashing (YouTube)
Hashing Tutorial 7 - Building Perfect Hashing (YouTube)
Build a Hash Table in Python With TDD
Python documentation: Testing for Python Keywords

GNU Perfect Hash Function Generator (Gperf)

Gperf Home
Gperf Manual
Gperf for Windows
Gperf Documentation