Let's Do Some Basic Statistics
image missing
Bell Curve

image missing
Standard Deviation
From: commons.wikimedia.org

Project #1

Use the Python Statistics Module (Mathematical statistics functions )

  1. generate a list of random numbers
    • value range: integers between 0 to 29 (inclusive)
    • list size: 1000
  2. calculate and display the mean (average), median, and mode
  3. calculate and display the standard deviation (σ) (sigma)
    • How many values are within 1 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?
    • How many values are within 2 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?
    • How many values are within 3 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?

Question: What is the difference between mean and average?

Project #2

Watch the YouTube video Particle Physics Discoveries that Disappeared. What is the significance of 5 σ ?

Project #3

Repeat Project #1, but do not use existing modules or functions. Write your own. (See equations below.)

Project #4

Create a population of random numbers that are a bell curve. (size 1000?)

Calculate and display the population's mean, median, and mode.

  1. Select a random sample of 100 from the population
  2. calculate and display the sample's mean, median, and mode
  3. calculate and display the sample's standard deviation (σ)
    • How many values are within 1 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?
    • How many values are within 2 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?
    • How many values are within 3 σ of the mean?
      What percentage of the total are they?
    • What are the normal/theoretical percentages for a bell curve?
      How does your sample compare?
Note: See the bell curve equation below.

Project #5

Plot the mean of several samples from a population. (See Project #1 and Project #3)

I suggest you use the pyplot or related modules.

matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples)
(see matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(x, y))

Equation for the X,Y Coordinates of a Bell Curve

Y = Ke-(X-M)2/(2σ2)
X,Yare the curve's x,y coordinates (used for plotting, etc.)
Kis the maximum Y coordinate; used to scale the Y coordinates
(height in Y units)
Mis the curve's mathematical mean (X coordinate of the mean)
σis the curve's standard deviation; determines how fat or skinny
the curve is (width in X units)
eis Euler's number; is a constant; is an irrational number
(defined in the Python math module as a constant: math.e)
From: math.stackexchange.com


image missing m = the population mean n = the size of the population x = each value from the population

Standard Deviation

image missing σ = population standard deviation n = the size of the population x = each value from the population m = the population mean

Generate a List of Random Number (sorted)

import random # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- return a list of random integers # ---- # ---- lst_siz number of elements in returned list # ---- lst_min minimum element value # ---- lst_max maximum element value # ---- # ---- note: random.randint returns a randomly generated integer # ---- from the specified range (inclusive). # --------------------------------------------------------------- def random_list(lst_siz,lst_min,lst_max): lst = [] i = 0 while i < lst_siz: lst.append(random.randint(lst_min,lst_max)) i += 1 return sorted(lst)

What must you do to generate the same random list over and over again? (Hint: seed)

Generate Random Values That Fit A Bell Curve

#!/usr/bin/python3 # ==================================================================== # create a population of random numbers from a theoretical # normal distribution (bell curve) - display various values and plots # # Note: python -n pip install scipy # ==================================================================== import scipy.stats import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt number_of_bins = 20 # number of bins for histogram # ---- create random number generator rng = np.random.default_rng() # ---- create a random list of numbers that fit # ---- a standard distributed (bell curve) pop = rng.normal(size=1000) pmin = min(pop) pmax = max(pop) print(f'pop size = {len(pop)}') print(f'pop min = {pmin}') print(f'pop max = {pmax}') # ---- plot histogram of random population counts,bins,ignore = plt.hist(pop,bins=number_of_bins) # ---- plot theoretical probability distribution bin_width = (pmax-pmin)/number_of_bins hist_area = len(pop)*bin_width x = np.linspace(-4,4,number_of_bins+1) # x values y = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x)*hist_area # y values plt.plot(x,y) # ---- display plots plt.show()

Click HERE for "Non-Bell Curve Basic Statistics Examples".


How to Make a Bell Curve in Python?


What is the difference between scipy.stats module and numpy.random module, between similar methods that both modules have?