Combining Waves


Wave, propagation of disturbances from place to place in a regular and organized way. Most familiar are surface waves that travel on water, but sound, light, and the motion of subatomic particles all exhibit wavelike properties. (

Some physical phenomenon can be described by wave equations. For example radio waves or ocean waves. When two or more of these waves meet interesting things happen.

Waves can be described using cycles per second, hertz, wave length, etc.

This project combines waves and displays the form of the combined waves. Users can "play" with the characteristics of the waves and see what develops.

Hertz are the SI unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Usually the frequency of radio transmissions or computer clock speed.

Note: The International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system, is the international standard for measurement.

Sine, Cosine Wave

Frequency is 100hz.

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How are sine waves related to circles? (YouTube)

Example #1

This plot shows the combining of a sine and cosine waves.

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Example #2

This plot shows the combining of a sine and cosine waves.

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Example #3

This plot shows the combining of a sine and cosine waves.

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Project #1

Write a program to demonstrate combining the two waves described in example #1 above.

To plot the data I suggest you use the pyplot or related modules.
matplotlib.pyplot (documentation and examples)
For more examples click HERE.

Note: To combine waves the sample should be the same start, end, and size.

Project #2

Write an interactive program that allows a users to do the following kinds of things.

  1. Select various sine or cosine waves (different frequencies, ...)
  2. Plot the combined wave, change parameters, and plot again
  3. Plot individual waves and the combined wave
  4. Combine two or more waves (multiple sine and cosine waves?)
  5. Change the frequency of each wave
  6. Change the star time of each wave
  7. Change the sample start and end time
    Sample start time < sample end time
  8. Change the sample size (sample size > 0)
  9. Scale the plot's Y values (-100 to +100) (-235 to +235) ... ?
    use the maximum wave value/magnitude/strength (see max function)

Project #3

Modify Program #2. Add other wave functions. let the user select the functions to use. Functions like ...

Note: Wave functions must be continuous.

Project #4

Add a (one) serpentine curve to Project #2. Click HERE for serpentine curve code.

Some Example Code to Get You Started

import math # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- class - sine wave # ---- hz frequency (cycles per second) # -------------------------------------------------------------- class SineWave(): def __init__(self,hz): self.hz = hz # ---- return wave's value/magnitude/strength at time t # ---- (seconds since time 0) def value(self,t): # ---- no negative sample time if t < 0.0: t = -t # ---- number of cycles since time 0 cyc = t * self.hz # ---- number of degrees in the cycle at time t deg = (cyc * 360) % 360 # ---- return wave's value/magnitude/strength at time t rad = math.radians(deg) return math.sin(rad) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- calculate/generate a list of wave values # ---- one for each sample time # ---- # ---- tlst is a list of sample times within the sample # ---- range. Sample times are monotonically increasing from # ---- sample start time to sample end time (inclusive). # -------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_wave_values(tlst,wave): lst = [] for t in tlst: lst.append(wave.value(t)) return lst # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- scale list values # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def scale_list_values(lst,max_value=1): new_lst = [] scale_factor = max_value/max(lst) for x in lst: new_lst.append(x*scale_factor) return new_lst # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- float range generator (start and end inclusive) # -------------------------------------------------------------- def frange(start,end,steps): step = abs((end-start)/(steps)) f = start while True: yield(f) if f is not None: f += step if f > end: f = None # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- create a list of sample times # ---- based on the sample start and end time, and the # ---- sample size # ---- Note: the time list is a monotonic increasing list # -------------------------------------------------------------- def time_list(sstart,send,ssize): tlst = [] for t in frange(sstart,send,ssize): if t is None: break # end of range? tlst.append(t) return tlst # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- main # -------------------------------------------------------------- sin_hz = 1000 # sine wave frequency cos_hz = 1000 # cosine frequency sstart = 0.0 # sample start time (seconds) ssend = 0.01 # sample end time (seconds) ssize = 100 # sample size ... ... tlst = time_list(sstart,send,ssize) wave = SineWave(sin_hz) sin_lst = calculate_wave_values(tlst,wave) ... ...


Picking the wave frequency, and the sample start and end times can be tricky.
This diagram will help you visualize the problem.

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Waves Forms

Note: A sinusoidal wave is a periodic wave whose waveform (shape) is the trigonometric sine function. (Wikipedia)

image missing # ---- wave value function def value(hz,t): freq = hz period = 1/freq v = 2 * abs(2 * (t/period - math.floor((t/period)+(1/2)))) - 1 return v # ---- examples test parameters hz = 1.0 # frequency sstart = 0.0 # sample start time send = 2.0 # sample end time ssize = 1000 # sample size

image missing # ---- wave value function def value(hz,t): freq = hz period = 1/freq v = 2 * (t/period - math.floor((1/2) + (t/period))) return v # ---- examples test parameters hz = 1.0 # frequency sstart = 0.0 # sample start time send = 2.0 # sample end time ssize = 1000 # sample size

image missing # ---- sign function def sgn(x): if x > 0: return 1 if x == 0: return 0 return -1 # ---- wave value function def value(hz,t): freq = hz rad = 2.0*math.pi*freq*t v = sgn(math.sin(rad)) return v # ---- examples test parameters hz = 1.0 # frequency sstart = 0.0 # sample start time send = 2.0 # sample end time ssize = 1000 # sample size


Representing Signals in Python (Sampling) (YouTube)