Install Ubuntu Workstation

Install Ubuntu LTS

Disable BIOS security
Change the boot order (boot from the DVD/CD first)
Install Ubuntu LTS workstation distro
After install, change boot order back

Linux distros can be purchased at

Note: Most of the following commands require using SUDO.

update Ubuntu

apt-get update             <- update pkg lists
apt-get upgrade            <- upgrade installed pkgs
apt-get dist-upgrade       <- upgrade held back pkgs
apt-get update             <- all updates installed?

Install Some Tools

apt-get install dos2unix
apt-get install htop
apt-get install tree
apt-get install vim

See What Python Versions Are Available

ls /usr/bin/py*

Install newer versions of Python?

apt-get install python3.6

See What Python Versions Is The Default

python --version


Check If The Firerwall is Disabled

The firewall may be disabled after installing Ubuntu. Check it.

ufw status

Note: Show ufw help (# ufw --help) or man page (# man ufw)

Enable Firewall

ufw enable

ufw status

Install SSH Server (ssh, scp, sftp) and Client

apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install openssh-client

Open SSH port

ufw allow ssh

ufw reload

Note: this step opens up the SSH firewall port

Open other firewall ports if needed (for example, 8080)

ufw allow 8080

ufw reload

Show Firewall Status

ufw status
ufw status verbose

ufw enable                 <-- enable firewall if inactive

Note: Show ufw help (# ufw --help) or man page (# man ufw)

Display Iptables

iptables -S

Test SSH Service

service ssh status
ssh <account name>@locaslhost

More Optional

Activate Workspaces

Search Your Computer -> Search your computer for "appear" -> select behavior -> check "Enable workspaces"

Screen Lock Timeout

Search Your Computer -> Search your computer for "bright" -> "Set screen turn off"
(Change lock screen?)

Things to do After Installing Linux

Search the web for "Things to do After installing Linux". Do the appropriate ones.

Display Firefox Bookmark Toolbar

bookmarks -> bookmarks tool bar -> select "view bookmarks toolbar"

Now add useful bookmarks to the toolbar. The teacher will recommend some.

Note: Found in the upper right corner of Firefox window.