btree_9 | index /home/tom/py/ |
# ===================================================================
# The balance algorithem tries to balance a new node's
# child nodes everytime a new node is inserted into the tree
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# create a sort of balanced tree
# The node class in this code has only one data item. It is the
# node's data and also is the node's unique key. In the
# "real world" a node would contain much more data and perhaps
# have a unique key that is seperate from the node's data.
# Note: A node's unique key is used to position a node's place
# in the tree.
# ===================================================================
# Tree Functions...
# tree.debug set debug flag
# tree.balance set balance processing flag
# tree.count_nodes return the number of nodes in the tree
# tree.max_height return the max depth (levels) in the tree
# tree.avg_height return average search depth in the tree
# tree.insert insert node into tree
# search for a value (node) in the tree
# tree.remove_leaf_node remove a leaf node from the tree
# tree.print_tree_nodes print the tree node information
# tree.print_tree_values print the tree node values
# tree.Print_tree_structure print the tree structure
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# Note about the code:
# a. curnode is the current working node
# b. newnode is the node being added to the tree
# c. parnode is the parent node of current working node
# d. the tree root node is modified but not replaced
# e. the BinaryTree class has two special methods. They control
# BinaryTree operations. they are:
# tree.set_debug() print messages used for debugging
# tree.set_balance() use my balance "stuff" when creating the tree
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# Testing:
# from random import randint
# from random import sample
# import btree_9 as bt9
# # ---- function - create random node values -----------------------
# # ---- with potential duplicates -----------------------
# def create_random_node_values_dups(elms=20,maxint=100):
# values = []
# for _ in range(elms):
# values.append(randint(1,maxint))
# return values
# # ---- function - create random node values -----------------------
# # ---- with no duplicates ------------------------------
# def create_random_node_values(elms=20,maxint=100):
# values = sample(range(1,maxint),elms)
# return values
# #---- function - fill a tree with nodes (values) ------------------
# def fill_tree(tree,values):
# for i in values:
# tree.insert(bt9.Node(i))
# # ---- test values ------------------------------------------------
# ##values = [30,20,10,5,1,40,50,60,70]
# ##values = [30,40,50,60,70]
# ##values = [30,20,10,5,1]
# ##values = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]
# values = create_random_node_values(100,10000)
# print('\n---- create un-balanced tree --------------------------')
# tree = bt9.BinaryTree()
# tree.set_balance(False)
# tree.set_debug(False)
# fill_tree(tree,values)
# ##tree.print_tree_values()
# ##tree.print_tree_nodes()
# tree.print_tree_structure()
# print("Maximum height of tree is {}".format(tree.max_height()))
# print("Average height of tree is {}".format(tree.avg_height()))
# print('\n---- create a sort of balanced tree -------------------')
# tree = bt9.BinaryTree()
# tree.set_balance(True)
# tree.set_debug(False)
# fill_tree(tree,values)
# ##tree.print_tree_values()
# ##tree.print_tree_nodes()
# tree.print_tree_structure()
# print("Maximum height of tree is {}".format(tree.max_height()))
# print("Average height of tree is {}".format(tree.avg_height()))
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