Bits and Bytes and Data Types
Math Hints
Given Three (2D) Points, Calculate the 2D Angle Formed by Them
Given Three (3D) Points, Calculate the 3D Angle Formed by Them
Basic Graphics Window
Bell Curve (Normal Distribution) Using Numpy
Convert Float Degrees deg/min/sec
Coordinate Conversion
Coordinate Conversion with Offset Origin
Draw XY Axes
Graphics Library -
Interpret Bytes as Packed Binary Data
Graphics Transformation Matrix Functions
Matplotlib Plot Bell Curve Example
Matplotlib PyPlot Examples
Interpret/Display BMP File Header
my Parse CSV String
Normal Vector
Parse Phone Number
Queue Module
Replace Commas and Split
Shortest Distance From an External Point to a Line
Coordinates of a Point on a Line That is Closest to an External Point
Intersection of Two Lines Defined By Two Line Segments
Intersection of Two Lines Defined By Two Equations
Scale XYZ Coordinates
Split Into Parameters
Size of Integers and Floats
Unicode (UTF-8)
Access/Create Packed Binary Data
User Interface
Display Code Execution Time
Test Arccos
Test Array of Functions
Test 2D Combined Matrices
Test 3D Combined Matrices
Test Sine and Cosine
Test 3D Rotation Around Axes
My Basic Plot Object
Create a GUI.
or PyQt or ...
My "Getting Started" with PyQt6
My Python Code Snippets
Python Comprehensions
Demo UTF-8 Characters/Codes
What is my IP address?
Packed Binary Data
BMP File Header Information
Float To Bits and Back